"The Disruptors" are a group of men and women from around the world who are avid readers, authors, and bloggers. We respect and honor their privacy and thus do not (and will not ever) share their information without permission. For their help in spreading the word about Kara's books, they receive a free ecopy of all new releases (as allowed by the publisher) and any other promotional material as it becomes available.
How did we come up with this street team name? In our INFERNO SERIES, there is a growing resistance against the New World Government (NWG), and anyone who joins is known as a disruptor. So, we thought it would be fun to build our very own resistance to help us storm the writing world and "disrupt" the normal flow of things.
Kara Jemal is the writing duo of Kara Leigh Miller and David Jemal. Together they write fast-paced, heart pounding young adult and new adult dystopians, thrillers, paranormals, mysteries, and romances. To learn more about Kara Jemal, please visit their website.